Bear Fruit
"Bear fruit worthy of repentance." Mt 3:8
John the baptist gives this message to the hypocrites. We aren't meant to simply show outward forms of reptance. If we have come seeking grace then our hearts must be right before God. Do not simply seek the good things from God. Now this does not mean that we have to work for forgiveness, but if we repent (meaning we choose not to continue in sin) then that decision should show through in other areas in our life. If it doesn't then how sincere could our choice have been?
Do not simply seek good things from God. We are to be refined by fire and if we are only seeking for good from God then we will not be able to pass through the flames. We are meant to turn our lives over to God and if we are not continually doing that then our repentance is not true and will not bear fruit.
May heaven fall upon you.